The Educational Quality Component Business Plan


A project, in a business environment, is:
·      a finite piece of work (it has a beginning and an end);
·      undertaken within defined cost and time constraints;
·      directed at achieving a stated business benefit.

Key project roles are:
·      The project sponsor who is the person who wants the benefits the project will provide.  The person is “benefits focused”.  Answers the question is the project viable?  Do the benefits the project provides fit our strategy?
·      The project manager is the person who manages the project on a day-to-day basis, ensuring that its deliverables are presented on time, at the right quality and to budget.  The person is “action and delivery focused”.  He/she is the key player in creating and fostering a team spirit and enrolling the commitment of those associated with the project. The project manager ensures clear reporting lines, good information flow, realistic work plans and well defined project roles for team members.
·      The project review team is the cross-functional group which assesses the “doability” and integrity of the project portfolio (MES-WB Quality Component) as a whole.
·      The project team is that group of  individuals in the organization or brought to it for the term of the project to accomplish the work to be done.  The team may be dispersed geographically; have other duties to attend to; and may not be the most appropriate people.

Projects are viewed in stages.  Stages are specific periods during which work on the project takes place.  These are when information is collected and outputs created.  For each stage of the project one should carry out the full range of work covering the entire scope of functional inputs required.  These functions should not work on the project in isolation but in a continuous dialogue with each other, thus enabling the best overall solution to be developed.  In this way ones knowledge develops and increases on all fronts at a similar pace and solutions are designed, built and tested in an integrated way.  (Functional inputs in the business setting are marketing, commercial, operational, and technical.  In the MES they are its departments, divisions, centres, etc.)

Gates (or milestones) are decision points which precede every stage.  Unless specific criteria have been met, as evidenced by certain approved deliverables, the subsequent stage should not be started.  Gates serve as points to:
·      check that the project is still required and the risks are acceptable;
·      confirm its priority relative to other projects;
·      agree to the plans for the remainder of the project;
·      make a go/no go decision regarding continuing the project.

At each gate, the following three questions are answered:
·      Is this project, in its own right, viable?
·      What is its priority relative to other projects to be started?
·      Is the funding available to undertake the project?

In other words, the key elements of benefit, scope, time and cost are all present.  The business plan is the document where all of this is recorded.  It serves as the key review document for the approving and authorizing the project (MES and World Bank).

In any project, the project manager delegates accountability for parts of the work to members of the core team.  This is done by breaking the project into work packages, usually centered around deliverables.  Each work package has a person accountable for it.  The work package can be broken into smaller parcels again and again until you reach activity or task level.  This is called “work breakdown structure (WBS) ”and is a fundamental control framework for a project.

Cross-functional teams are those made up of people from different parts of the organizational hierarchy.  They bring different perspectives together, make it easier to negotiate the all-encompassing, cross-functional processes result in planned change.  During each stage is essential for the project manager to continuously forecast and reforecast the benefits, resources and costs needed to complete the project.  He/she should always keep the relevant functions informed and check on behalf of the sponsor that the project still makes sound business (and in our case, educational) sense.

Projects draw on resources from a wide range of functions within an organization.  Ensuring these are focused on achieving specific, identified benefits for the organization is the key management challenge.  The likelihood of success of projects is enhanced by following a project framework which:
·      is benefit driven;
·      is user and customer focused;
·      capitalizes on the skills and resources in the organization;
·      builds “quality” into the project deliverables;
·      helps manage risk;
·      allows many activities to proceed in paralleled (hence greater velocity); and
·      is used by people across the whole organization.

The project framework includes the following seven stages:
·      Have an idea – Proposal:  an idea is first formally recognized by describing, in a concise form, what one wants to do and why.
(MES-WB initial discussions.)
·      Have a quick look – Initial investigation stage:  a quick study of the proposal, to outline the scope and make a rough estimate of the benefits, resources and costs needed to complete it.  At the end of this you should be sure of why you are doing it and what you are doing; you will know how to go about at least the next stage, if not the full project.  One should know roughly how much it will cost, the resources likely to be needed and the order of magnitude of the benefit expected.  (Work done leading to MES-World Bank agreement to proceed to plan the project.)

·      Have a closer look – Detailed investigation stage:  a detailed investigation and a full investment appraisal culminating in a decision to proceed with development work.  At the end of this stage one will have high confidence in all aspects of the project and “What you want to do ”becomes “What you are going to do!”  Another name for this stage is the “Business Plan.  (What the project planning team is doing now to prepare for WB appraisal and MES approval and support.)

·      Do it! –- Develop and test stage:  the actual development and implementation work.  (For the implementators once the loan is approved.)

·      Try it – Trial stage:  a trial of all aspects of the development in the users’ or customer’s operational and working environment.  What has been created may work very well under “test conditions, ”but does it work under normal operational conditions?  (Implementation pilots.)

·      Use it – Release stage:  when one unleashes the creation on the world!  This is when products are launched, new computer systems used, new manufacturing plant goes into production, new organization units start operating to the ”new rules,” new processes are invoked, acquisitions sealed and disposals shed.  The ongoing operational aspects are embedded in the organization and the project is formally recognized as complete.  (Pilots expanded…standards shared with all of Latvia, etc.)

·      About three to six months after completion, a check, known as a post-implementation review, is done to see if the project is achieving its business objectives and its outputs are performing to the standards expected. (Internal MES consideration of next steps based upon results.)

The Business Plan
(The Planning Team’s Job Now!)

There are three parts (and an appendix) to most business plans:

·      Part 1:  Finance, which is primarily aimed at the finance function.  Of interest to the organization‘s finance department.  The project sponsor will also be interested in this as it sets out the financial criteria to be met.
·      Part 2:  Project Definition is of interest to the project sponsor, stakeholders and project team.  It is the meat of the document.
·      Part 3:  Project Organization is of most interest to the project manager and team as it sets out how they have organized themselves.

The Business Plan Outline by Headings:

Section           Section Heading                              Question Answered

1                      FINANCE
1.1       Financial appraisal                          HOW MUCH?
1.2       Financial commentary                    HOW MUCH?

2                      PROJECT DEFINITION (WB Plan of Action)                      
2.1       Background                                      WHY?
            2.2       Business Objectives                        Why?
            2.3       Benefits                                             Why?
            2.4       Output definition                              WHAT?
            2.5       Scope, impacts and
interdependencies              WHAT?
            2.6       Deliverables                                      WHAT?
            2.7       Timescale                                          WHEN?
            2.8       Risks and opportunities                  CONTEXT
            2.9       Prerequisites, assumption
                                    and constraints                    CONTEXT
            2.10    Project and implementation
                                    approach                               HOW?
            2.11    Analysis of options                          HOW?

3                      PROJECT ORGANIZATION
 (WB organization of PCU and decision-making.) 
            3.1       Review and appraisal points         HOW?
            3.2       Change control                                HOW?
3.3       Progress reporting                           HOW?
            3.4       Project  team and stakeholders     WHO?

4                      APPENDICES
A. Business Commitment (WB identification of conditions required for implementation)
B. Schedule plan (WB sequence of activities over 4 years)
C. Resource plan (WB estimated resources needed for implementation)
D. Financial plan (WB estimated costs for implementation)
E. Terms of Reference for Consultants for 1st year
F.  Financial sensitivity (WB sustainability of investments)
G. Output definition document (See section 2.4)

The Project Definition:  This section of the business plan document defines the project – why one is doing it, what will be produced, and how one will go about it.  Until this project definition section is completed, one cannot develop fully either the financial or project organization sections of the business plan.


2.1 Background

Describe, briefly, the background to the project:
·      Explain why the project has come about (eg, as a result of a strategy study, as a result of findings from another project).
·      Refer to any other associated projects or initiatives, business plans, or conclusions from previous studies.

2.2 Business Objectives

You should describe why you are doing the project:
·      Explain the business objectives the project will satisfy;
·      Explain how the project supports the business strategy.

Answering the question of “Why” is very important.  There are four basic reasons why one should want a project: 
·      to earn more revenue;
·      to save costs;
·      to reduce working capital;
·      to enable one to remain in business.

All programs (related projects) will ultimately be aiming for one or more of these.  However, in a program, individual projects may focus on other benefits, for example, improving performance and service quality.  Other projects are created as vehicles to learn about new markets, technologies, or approaches. 

Relate these objectives to the overall goals of the MES-WB Project.

2.3 Benefits

Describe the benefits to be achieved from the project.  Benefits may be in two forms:
·      Financial – these should be stated in “money” terms (eg, increased revenue, cost savings, etc.);
·      Nonfinancial – changes in operational and key performance indicators should be quantified.  If you are unable to quantify a particular benefit describe it as best you can – just because you can’t count it, doesn’t mean to say it does not count (eg, changing attitudes about learning).

Include a statement on what else the project will accomplish; for example, say what new possibilities will be created eg, operationally, commercially, or for new projects.

In addition, outline:
·      the minimum conditions of satisfaction required in order to declare the project a success (eg, achievement of a specific market share, revenue, cost saving);
·      the method for measuring and confirming the achievement of each benefit;
·      any possible events which, if they occur, will lead you to consider terminating the project.

2.4 Output Definition

Describe, in one paragraph, what the project is going to produce overall.  This may be a new product, a new culture, process, manufacturing line, computer system.  Section 2.6 will list the key deliverables and these need not be stated here.  The output definition document will contain the detail.

2.5 Scope, Impacts and Interdependencies

Define the work necessary to meet the business objectives outlined in Section 2.2 and to create the output described in Section 2.4.  Include:
·      the work needed to be undertaken;
·      the boundaries of the project;
·      any aspects which are specifically excluded from the project;
·      key interdependencies with other projects

You should also state, in broad terms:
·      the impact the project will have on current operations and existing projects;
·      the functions or departments in the organization which will be affected.

Scope:  The project scope must comprise everything which is needed to ensure that the benefits can be delivered.  There should be no assumptions that others are providing a key part.  If other projects are providing deliverables, this must be stated explicitly and not assumed.
Interdependency:  If Project B requires a deliverable from Project A in order to achieve its objective, project B is dependent on project A, ie, a deliverable is passed from one project to another.
(For example, Project A builds a computer platform as one of its deliverables.  Project B uses this platform to run software it has built as one of its deliverables.  If project A failed, project B will fail as it is dependent on it.

A deliverable can be created by one project only.  It may, however, be used by many subsequent projects.

2.6   Deliverables

List the major deliverables from the project and which are needed to create the output described in Section 2.4.  Deliverables may take two forms:
·      Final deliverables – which are to be handed over by the project team to the users at the end of the project  (eg, hardware, software systems, brochures, product specifications, tariffs, business processes, advertising campaigns);
·      Temporary deliverables – which are to be produced during the course of the project for review and sign-off (eg, detailed investigation report, business plan).

For each deliverable, specify:

·      the format and content in which it is to be produced (eg, a written report, TV advertisement);
·      the named individual accountable for its production and the target date for its completion;
·      the named individual(s) accountable for reviewing and / or signing it off.

If the list is extensive, you should detail them in an appendix and only list the very key ones in the main body of the document.  (May use deliverable report form.  Listed in Appendix in Business Plan Template.)

2.7 Timescales

Outline the overall project timescales by stating the target completion dates for key milestones.  Include all the staged framework milestones; development gate, trial gate, RFS gate, launch, project complete.  Add any other significant milestones or events such as the letting (tendering) of a major contract.  (WB plan over four year period.)

2.8 Risks and Opportunities

This section should contain:
·      a list of the significant risks and opportunities that may potentially jeopardize or enhance the success of the project;
·      actions that will be taken at the outset to reduce the likelihood of each risk identified;
·      actions or contingency plans that may be implemented, should any risk or opportunity happen.

2.9 Prerequisites, Assumptions, and Constraints

·      any circumstances outside your control which must be in place if your project is to be successful;
·      all assumptions that have been made about the environment (eg, economic factors, competitors, systems, people) in which the project is to be conducted;
·      any constraints which have been imposed on the project which may affect the outcome.

It is important that all assumptions and constraints are listed, even if they appear obvious to you; they may not be so obvious to others associated with the project.

2.10 Project and Implementation Approach

Describe how the project will be undertaken and explain why you have chosen this particular approach.  Include:
·      a work breakdown structure (eg, phases, stages, subprojects, work packages) with justification;
·      key interfaces between subproject elements and with suppliers.

Where subprojects are complex, each one should be formally using sections 2 (project definition) and 3 (project organization) of this document.

2.11 Analysis of Options

Summarize the key points from the investigative studies, stating which options have been rejected and which have been carried forward for further analysis.  Give your reasons for any choices made.


Once the project is defined and has been planned out, once should make sure that other organizational aspects of the project are addressed, including defining:
·      project administration needs (filing);
·      who can authorize changes to the project;
·      what formal review points are required.

Project Filing:

Projects can generate a considerable volume of information, correspondence and reports, most of which needs to be accessible and some of which needs to be archived.  It is essential that the project manager sets up the administ-ration of the project as soon as practical and that he/she makes sure that all team members and support staff understand what is required and available.  The format or media for storing such documentation can vary from being paper based to a full electronic group-ware platform. 

In many cases, different sections will be held in different formats thus harnessing the capabilities of any support tools and avoiding any duplication.  Regardless of how you choose to store the information, its content will be similar.  The following comprises a structure on which to base your own project filing requirements.  Benchmarking showed that many companies had a prescribed framework, such as the one which follows, to ensure that records are kept in a consistent way thus enabling newcomers to the project to know where to start looking for the information they require.  See Appendix for more detailed descriptions:
·      Project summary details
·      Contact list
·      Project log
·      Business plan and change log
·      Progress reports
·      Project logs
·      Schedule
·      Finances
·      Meetings
·      Key control deliverables
·      Correspondence
·      Reviews

3.1  Review and Approval Points

Review Points

The management framework comprises a staged approach to projects with the ”gates”  defining the key points when a formal project review is undertaken.  However, the time lapse in some stages can be very long, particularly in the develop and test stage.  It is, therefore, essential that a sufficient number of additional review points are built into the plan to check that:
·      the project still meets the real business need and is achievable;
·      the quality of the deliverables is adequate;
·      the plans are in place;
·      the project is working.

As a guide, a project should have a formal review every three months or when a major commitment is to be made.  The occurrence of such reviews should be formally documented as they comprise an essential part in managing the risks on a organizational-wide basis.

Review are often seen to take up valuable time and hamper progress on the project.  However, it is in the project sponsors interest that reviews take place with accountability to make sure they happen.

3.2  Change Control

Once the project has been authorized its scope, cost, benefits and timescale are baselined and are used as the basis on which to monitor progress.  Under certain circumstances, it is however, legitimate (and often desirable and/or unavoidable) to change these baselines.  Who authorizes such changes very much depends on the impact.  It is, therefore, essential that the extend of the authority given to the project manager and project sponsor is defined.

3.3  Progress Reporting

The project manager, is accountable for controlling the project and taking the necessary actions to ensure that it delivers the expected outputs.  He/she should gather the team together on a regular basis (preferably physically) and check what progress has been made and what progress is forecast to be made.  He/she should assess the issues which have arisen and the risks which are looming on the horizon. 

For the business plan, decide which types of reports will be kept for purposes of reporting.

Progress should be recorded by updating the project schedule and cost forecasts to show:
·      activities completed and milestones achieved;
·      forecasts of completion dates for activities in progress (not yet started) where these are known to differ from the agreed plan (eg, slippage);
·      costs spent to date;
·      forecasts of costs to complete the current stage of the project and for the completion of the project in full.

Additionally, the project leader should prepare for the project sponsor and other key stakeholders, a concise written progress report which includes the following information:
1.  Business objectives;
2.  Progress summary and outlook’
3.  Financials;
4.  Milestones:
5.  Issues;
6.  Risks and opportunities; and
7.  Changes.

Progress reporting should be active, with you telling the stakeholders what they need to know in as concise a form as possible.  It helps that the reports are full and complete and aids the reader by providing a familiar, consistent format.  Make sure that the reports are:
·      honest and open, without undermining confidence;
·      focused on key issues
·      balance the good and the bad news;
·      acknowledge the achievements of the team.

Contents of Progress Report

1.  Business Objectives
As many stakeholders will not be familiar with your project from its number or title, you should summarize:
·      the business objectives the project will satisfy;
·      how the project supports the business strategy. 

2.  Progress Summary and Outlook

Briefly describe the progress of the project both in terms of achievements to date and expected future performance.  For any significant schedule slippage or cost variance give the:
·      reason
·      impact;
·      corrective action being taken.

3.  Financials

Provide a summary of the project finances in terms of expected benefits, spending to date and total expected spending compared to that planned.

4.  Milestones

List the major milestones.  These should at least be the gate milestones defined earlier.  For each give:
·      original and current baseline data;
·      forecast date or actual date achieved.

5.  Key Issues

Describe the key issues which require escalating beyond the project manager for resolution.  For each give the:
·      natures and impact of the issue;
·      action being taken to resolve the issue and who is accountable.

6.  Key Risks and Opportunities

Summarize the high risks and major opportunities which have arisen.  For each give:
·      nature and impact of the risk or opportunity;
·      action being taken to manage the risk or opportunity and who is accountable.

7.  Changes

List all outstanding changes which are beyond the project manager’s authority to authorize.  For each give:
·      reason for the change;
·      impact of the change;
·      who is accountable for Authorizing the change;

8.  Attachments

It may be convenient to attach, for detailed reference:
·      Cost report;
·      Progress bar chart;
·      Issues log;
·      Risks log;
·      Opportunities log;
·      Change log.
3.4  Project team and stakeholders

Stakeholders are those who are affected by the project.  All those involved in the project are, therefore, stakeholders.  However, there are also those who take no direct part in the project as team members, but whose activities will in some way be changed as a result.  These could be users of new systems, people in new departments resulting from reorganizations (or those made redundant), those taking roles in new processes as managers, supervisors, and workers.  Often the project is of little importance to them but they are of great consequence to the project if their consent is critical to success.  It is essential to identify them because it is critical to enroll them at an early stage in the project to ensure their power does not cause the project to fail later.  Never underestimate stakeholders’ ability to ruin your best laid plans!

It is both the project manager’s and project sponsor’s role to ensure that all stakeholders are adequately briefed on the project.  Too much communication will drown them—they won’t read it.  Not enough, will mean your project will be lower down their priority list than you want it to be.

Enrolling stakeholders and keeping them enrolled is a taxing but essential task.  It is accomplished both by a formal communication plan and by enrolling behavior on behalf of all the project team on both a planned and opportunistic basis.  In this section answer the following:

·      Identify the stakeholders and the influence they have;
·      Identify the communications strategy that will be used to keep the stakeholders informed and supportive.
·      Explain how will you t rack the results of the strategy.


After managing time, management of the finances is the next most important and fundamental aspect of project management.  Without a good schedule plan it is impossible to have a reliable financial plan.  However, while the schedule is the most visible aspect of a project to outsiders, cost is often the most visible to insiders, such as your management team.

At a simple level, a financial plan will tell you:
·      what each stage and work package in the project costs;
·      who is accountable for those costs;
·      the financial benefits deriving from the project;
·      financial commitments made;
·      cash flow;
·      financial authorization given.

In addition, some companies also derive the net effect of the project on the balance sheet and profit and loss account.

Just as the schedule plan is used as the baseline for measuring progress in terms of “time,” the financial plan is the basis for measuring costs and financial benefits.  Many of the principles regarding schedule management are also applicable to the management of finances.  Schedule and cost plans should share the same work breakdown structure (see earlier section on work packages). 

By doing this you will ensure:
·      accountability for both the schedule and cost resides with the same person;
·      there is no overlap, hence double counting of costs;
·      there is no “gap,” ie, missing costs.

In practice, you will develop the financial plan to a lesser level of work breakdown that you would a schedule plan.

The financial plan, like the schedule plan, is developed in summary for the full project and in detail for the next stage.  There is little point in developing an accurate and detailed financial plan on the back of an unstable schedule plan.  No matter to what level of granularity you take the calculations, they will be fundamentally inaccurate.  You should take the level of accuracy and confidence forward with the schedule and related costs matching.

The costs are influenced by the following which you must take into account when drawing up the plan:
·      the scope of the project;
·      the approach you take to the project;
·      the timescale to complete the project;
·      the risks associated with the project.

The cost estimate should be made up of:
·      the cost of using your own employees;
·      the cost of using consultants, local and foreign
·      the cost of external purchases made as a result of the project:
·      hardware
·      software
·      equipment (other than computer)

1.1   Financial appraisal

·      what each stage and work package in the project costs;
·      who is accountable for those costs;
·      the financial benefits deriving from the project;
·      financial commitments made;
·      cash flow;
·      financial authorization given.

The overall cost of the plan is built on three elements in most situations (In the MES-WB project we have guidelines to be followed):
1.  Base estimate: total costs for all the activities you have identified, including the cost of the employees time and all external purchases
2.  Scope reserve:  estimate of what else your experience and common sense tells you needs to be done, but has not yet been explicitly identified.
3.  Contingency:  included in the estimate to take account of the unexpected, ie, risks.  It is not there to compensate for poor estimating.
(See Appendix D.  This is where the detailed information is included.

1.1   Financial commentary
·      Explain how hard/soft the cost estimates are;
·      List any concerns regarding the financing of the project.

The Business Plan Template

1                      FINANCE
1.1       Financial appraisal                         
1.2       Financial commentary                   

2                      PROJECT DEFINITION (WB Plan of Action)                      
2.1       Background                                     
            2.2       Business Objectives                       
            2.3       Benefits                                            
            2.4       Output definition                             
            2.5       Scope, impacts and
            2.6       Deliverables                                     
            2.7       Timescale                                         
            2.8       Risks and opportunities                 
            2.9       Prerequisites, assumption
                                    and constraints                   
            2.10    Project and implementation
            2.11    Analysis of options                         

3                      PROJECT ORGANIZATION        
3.1       Review and approval points (WB organization of PCU and
            3.2       Change control                               
3.3       Progress reporting                          
            3.4       Project  team and stakeholders    

4                      APPENDICES
A. Business Commitment (WB identification of conditions required for implementation)
B. Schedule plan (WB sequence of activities over 4 years)
C. Resource plan (WB estimated resources needed for implementation)
D. Financial plan (WB estimated costs for implementation)
E. Terms of Reference for Consultants for 1st year
F.  Financial sensitivity (WB sustainability of investments)
G. Output definition document (See section 2.4)
            H.  Subcomponent activity flow chart (WB plan of action)


1.  Project summary details

This should comprise a short description of the project and the names of those holding the key accountabilities.  The summary as held on a project tracking system should fulfill the needs of this section.

2.  Contact List

A list of all the team members, their roles, and how they can be contacted.

3.  Project log

A chronological record, owned by the project manager, of significant meetings, events and commitments.  This should refer to detail in other sections of the file where appropriate.

4.  Business plan and change log

This section contains the fundamental definition of and plan for the project.  The change log is an amendment record, listing any changes to the business case which are under consideration or which have already been approved or authorized.  By having a change log as a supplement to the business plan, you avoid the need for updating the main document for every change.  You need only reissue it when the number of changes become unwieldy to keep in separate documents.

5.  Progress reports

All regular and special progress reports should be retained.  If a number of different reports are to be prepared for particular audiences, this section should be sub-divided accordingly.

6.  Project logs:
·      issues log;
·      risk log;
·      opportunity log.

7.  Schedule
This section contains a copy of the most recent schedule showing achievement and forecast against the agreed plan.

8.  Finances
This section contains a copy of the most recent cost and benefit position showing achievement and forecast against the agreed plan.

9.  Meetings

All meetings should either be minuted or notes produced to promote clear communication.  This should include:
·      agreements:  record any agreements made (even agreements to disagree!)
·      actions:  be clear who has the accountability for any actions, when they have to be done by and who are the recipients for outputs from those actions.

10. Key control deliverables

This section comprises a listing of the key control deliverables (with account-abilities for preparation, review, and sign-off).  Copies of the documents themselves must be held for team use and archive purposes.

For gate decisions:
·      proposal;
·      ready for trial report;
·      ready for service report;
·      closure report;
·      post-implementation report.

Other deliverables:
·      project description;
·      detailed investigation report;
·      test plan;
·      test results;
·      trial plan;
·      trial results.

PLUS any other that are required, as defined in the project definition section of the business plan, such as detailed specifications, requirements, document, tender documents, etc.

11. Correspondence

Record of all incoming and outgoing correspondence.

12. Review

Copies of any additional project reviews, other than the mandatory gate reviews should be kept.

For complex projects, individual sub-projects and work packages should follow a similar structure to that held for the overall project.


Use this checklist to review any project definition section that you have written to ensure that it meets all of these criteria:


¨  Has a project definition been written, reviewed by the stakeholders, and approved by the project sponsor?

¨ Do the scope and objectives of the project meet the needs of the business?

¨ Have the benefits been fully assessed and quantified wherever possible?

¨ Do the benefits match the needs?

¨ Have all the risks been identified and categorized?

¨ Has a comprehensive and satisfactory work breakdown been developed?

¨ Does the work breakdown reflect the deliverables to be produced?

¨ Are all key logical relationships between projects and activities clear?

¨ Has the plan been developed to minimize or offset the risks?

The only way a project can be delivered is by its deliverables.  For each deliverable check:

¨ Are the project deliverables relevant and are they feasible both to produce and implement?

¨ Have quality criteria been established?

¨ Is it clear who is accountable for preparing each deliverable?

¨ Is it clear who will review the deliverable prior to signing off acceptance of each deliverable?

¨ Is it clear who will sign off each deliverable?

¨  Has sufficient time been allowed for reviewing/amending each deliverable?

Table of Contents

Background information and definitions                         pp.       1-3

The Business Plan Outline                                                           pp.       4-5

Explanation of Section 2:  Project Definition                  pp.       5-8

Explanation of Section 3:  Project Organization                        pp.       8-13

Explanation of Section 1:  Finance                                  pp.       13-14


The Business Plan Template                                            p.         15

Project Filing Formats                                                         pp.       16-17

Project Definition Checklist                                               p.         18       

Section 4:  Appendices Templates                                   pp.       19-
A. Business Commitment
(WB identification of conditions required for implementation)
B. Schedule plan (WB sequence of activities over 4 years)
C. Resource plan (WB estimated resources needed for implementation)
D. Financial plan (WB estimated costs for implementation)
E. Terms of Reference for Consultants for 1st year
F.  Financial sensitivity (WB sustainability of investments)
G. Output definition document (See section 2.4)
            H.  Subcomponent activity flow chart (WB plan of action)

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